The objective of the project was GIS and Remote Sensing based georeferencing of mouza maps covering the 15 polders in four coastal districts (Patuakhali, Barguna, Khulna, and Satkhira) of Bangladesh using Satellite Imageries for fulfilmentment of the other studies of the main project ‘Feasibility Studies and Preparation of Detailed Design under Coastal Embankment Improvement Project Phase-II, (CEIP-II)’. It will help in land acquisition and resettlement requirements, as well as finding alternatives for the polder technique of coastal area safeguarding, as determined by the World Bank’s project appraisal criteria.
This project was carried out through collecting mouza maps and supporting data, satellite imagery acquisition, georeferencing mouza maps (Mouza sheet indexing, adding area shape file and satellite image, project coordinate system conversion, adding control points, table export, rectification, compression as JPEG and geodatabase export), conducting validation field survey, preparing an accuracy assessment report and submitting a final report.
The scanned mouza maps were collected from KMC and stored accordingly. There were approximately 684 Mouza distributed among 15 polders. Among these Mouzas, 389 Mouzas intersect 15 Polders Boundaries with a 50m Buffer Zone. A total of 550 Mouza sheets were received from 14 polders out of 15 Polders (except Polder 5) following specific parameters and criteria. There were an additional 6 partitions of sheets among those 550 sheets which make a total of 556 sheets.
The mouza sheets were georeferenced using coordinates from Open Source Satellite Imageries i.e., ESRI Base map /Google Earth. The projection system used was – Gulshan_303_BTM. This was done by selecting well-distributed GCPS such as common GCPs of neighboring mouzas, image features (L) and by edge matching (R). The individual parcel from the geo-rectified cadastral map was digitized; overlaying the digitized parcel layer on Orthophoto /satellite image by KMC Team. The output was:
- Georeferenced Mouza Maps- (Raster- GeoTIFF)- under GMGI-CGR-JV
- Mouza Boundaries Vectorization- (Vector- shapefiles)-Under KMC, GMGI-CGR-JV will not be responsible.
Of the provided 556 sheets, 553 sheets were successfully georeferenced and delivered them through 9 different slots. The remaining 3 sheets could not be georeferenced due to various obstructive causes.